Breakup Blues - Lessening The Pain

It's one of the worst places to be, it feels like you're carrying around a heavy weight, it's a struggle to just do normal everyday things. You don't want to talk, you don't want to see anyone and you don't know what to do for the best.

Finding a way to just feel normal is hard, but not impossible.

Unfortunately there is no miracle cure for the way you feel right now, but there are ways you can try to lift your spirits.

#1 Don't hide yourself away. As tough as it is, hiding from the world wont help you. You need to be around people, people that you trust and can rely on, people that have your best interests at heart. Don't be alone, you will feel worse.

#2 Avoid alcohol. Hiding in a bottle of your favorite poison would be most folks bet for numbing the pain, but this is the worst thing you can do. Alcohol is a depressant and will do nothing to make you feel any better.

#3 Exercise. The thought of going anywhere near a gym or going for a run will probably not be top of your list, but it's a proven scientific fact that any form of exercise releases feel good chemicals into your system (endorphins).

#4 Don't eat junk. Try to eat decent food, my bet is that you don't have any appetite at all right now, but a good diet at the moment will help you no end.

#5 Make plans. Keep busy and focus on something. Maybe you want that special person back? Set yourself that goal....

These few small tips might not seem like much, but when put together they will turn the way you feel now into something much more positive.

Find out the best way to improve the way you feel and Get Back With Someone You Love